Sunday, June 2, 2019

Movie Review: Language : Malayalam Title: Nonsense

A very much sensible movie in Malayalam of the year 2018. The movie highlights how much the young generation need to be more righteous at heart for society and family.

Also it highlights the BMX sport, which i came to know from this movie. Surprised to know that it is an Olympic sport but given much less publicity. We can say this sport of common mans as it involves the bicycle . Through the movie we will come to know about Annul palae, the BMX professional from Mumbai.

Movie tells our society that political parties which are present  should be giving out helping hand during hartal, shouldn't be disturbing the public. The movie helps to see through the problems of science which can be related to our daily life, like speed velocity and height of flag post. Education should not be mere solving big math science problem, rather it should help us to relate and understand everyday life.

The movie has an awesome song which i liked "Pularnila Kasuvumayi".